social channels for customer service like Facebook influence customers’ online and offline purchases every day and remind brands of the importance of providing the best customer service through different channels.

Improve your Customer Service Channels on Social Networks by Following These Tips:

If Transparent

Social networks have given more power to consumers since they offer platforms on which they can express their opinions. However, this freedom of expression can be like a double-edged sword for brands.

There is no better publicity than a tweet from a customer who is happy with your product or service (99% of customers trust another customer’s recommendation, and only 33% trust advertisements.)

Be Responsive

Your service hours can remain from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Still, suppose your organization decides to use social networks as a customer service channel. In that case, you should consider that users on the networks are omnipresent and expect instant responses most of the time.

Most people who complain through Twitter expect a response from the organization’s account in less than an hour. It shows that organizations that always want social networks to be one of their customer service channels must be pending.

Please Take Advantage of What they Tell you on Social Networks

Many brands don’t listen to their customers on social media, at least not as well as brands think. For example, it can estimate that 46.6% of brands engage with any customer/person who mentions them on Twitter. Still, more than a third of brands do not respond correctly to direct questions they receive. And almost all brands ignore complaints that are not labeled correctly. Fortunately, some tools can help brands with customer service on social media.

You can use these search functions, especially on social networks like Facebook or Twitter, to discover how users of the networks mention your brand.

Expand your Product Knowledge

To truly optimize your social customer service, you will need to minimize your response rates. To do this, you must respond instantly to the different questions that your customers may have about your products or services.

Social media managers are the conduit between a brand and its audience. It means that it is no longer just the task of a sales representative to know everything about the product or service that a brand offers.

The Potential of Social Media and Digital Channels

The Potential of Social Media and Digital Channels

When evaluating or implementing strategies focused on customer service through social networks and other digital channels. The first thing to do is understand that as a brand you have to adapt to the user and their expectations, because even if the channels are still used traditional. The customer experience and their way of consuming is totally different. Following this, an intelligent use of the data and the great capacity to deliver information that these tools have and, finally, have the agility to transform according to change and its rhythm must make.

Digital Channels as Allies of Customer Service

The development of new capabilities and marketing from digital channels must be include. In the solutions of a company that seeks good customer care and service. Some products aim to convert the experience into social networks and digital channels in an engaging interaction.

What is Customer Generated Content?

As the same expression indicates, the content generated by the client is a comment, photo, article, or video of a consumer promoting, advertising, or reviewing a product or service.

The advantage of this content is that your company does not incur any cost. In addition, more and more users are interested in sharing their experiences and learning about those of other customers. Not only Millennials and Generation Z, who already have this type of action incorporated. But also older generations are consuming this type of content before making a purchase decision.

Use Social Networks as a Sales Tool

Logically, to use social networks as a sales tool, you must have created a company account, be it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

There are many social networks, but as we have commented in previous articles ( How to design a Social Media strategy for companies ). Before creating your profile, you have to be clear about which social networks your target audience is on.

Suppose we are talking about a business, hotel, or restaurant. Your target audience is probably on Facebook and Instagram. If your company does not yet have a presence on social networks, starting with these two would be a good option.


Much like conventional webchat, social media conversations can reduce the cost of interactions. Agents can handle several conversations simultaneously, often using prepared responses copied from a list. In addition, because the majority of these conversations are public, the interaction is available for other customers. To view via the Facebook timeline, Twitter feed, or equivalent.