This article will find a guide to getting good customer testimonials to help you sell your services or digital products. You can download a questionnaire with questions that you can use to collect more effective and credible testimonials.

You may be skeptical of people who do not believe the testimonials they see on a website, on a sales page, or in any other text. Or you may be one of those who, before buying a product, hire a service. Or signing up for a course, go straight to reading the opinions of those who have already tried it.

Your Customer Testimonials are Gold Dust


More than your sales reps and marketing collateral can communicate, consumers trust honest feedback and recommendations from online reviews: 64% of consumers say they will likely Google reviews before visiting a business. A large percentage of consumers who find reviews and learn more about your business virtually become “hot leads” who are willing to use your products and services because they trust the honesty and satisfaction of your existing customers. Read on below and learn how to use your happy customer reviews as lead generation tools to captivate an even larger audience and consequently increase sales.

Leverage Social Proof

There is nothing more powerful than social proof in many industries, and if you don’t do it with every customer, you should. First, figure out your ten most profitable clients, nurture your relationship with them, and ask them precisely what they got from working with you. Then find out how you can turn those stories into testimonials or case studies to show these examples to future clients. Of course, the social proof remains all about the power of the crowd. So make sure you have lots of unlike models of happy customers. That you can share on social media, on your website, and at events.

Use Visual Content

What is even more attractive than the words written by your happy customers? Video content. For some of your most enthusiastic customers, invest in shooting a video testimonial to accompany your comments and make them come to life. Whether you make your video with some equipment and software or hire a production company. Your video will tell your story across different mediums (on your website, YouTube, and social media) uniquely and engagingly.

Focus on Tangible Impact

Third-party validation of your company is a great way to show others that you know what you’re doing, but make sure your testimonials aren’t vague and confusing. The most fantastic effective testimonials are specific and refer. To the tangible effect the product or service had on your business results. So ask customers specific questions to get the clear answers you want.

Show off your Results

If you have particularly compelling case studies, link to them on your blog, email signature, and social media profiles. The more places possible clients can see the results of your work in different mediums, the better.

Make Trustworthy Testimonials

One problem with testimonials remains that even if they sound good, their authenticity cannot be shown because there is no backlink to the critic’s website or social profile. You can build more trust by ensuring your testimonials can be traced back to a natural person. Not many people will contact the reviewer, but the idea that they could have a significant impact on the decision to buy.

Adaptation of Testimonials to Different People

Testimonials are meant to prove a success, so many of your potential customers will be looking for these proven successes from customers like themselves. With this in mind, you should create case studies that include customers similar to the demographics of the different people you’re trying to attract. And the goals they’re trying to achieve.

Use Presentations in Public

You can even turn a happy customer success story into a roadshow. If your business represents itself at trade shows, conferences and events. Make sure you have a compelling customer story that is more important than a sales pitch. Whether it’s a leader in your company, a customer success manager (CSM), or the happy customer himself. Tell the story of your satisfied customers in as many ways as you can. In front of as many potential customers as conceivable.

Introduce your Brand Ambassadors

If you have users who are celebrities or influencers within your community, highlight their testimonials so potential buyers can think. “I know you, and I trust your opinion.” You can also consider featuring happy customers. Who fit the same demographic as your highest-paying customers. As long as they are relatable in some way. You will be sure to increase your leads and overall sales through testimonials.


A customer testimonial remains a recommendation from a satisfied buyer that affirms the value of a product or service. Customer testimonials are sometimes paid endorsements, as found with influencer marketing.